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PathoSys® User Group

The fifth meeting of the PathoSys® user group will take place at the Royal Derby Hospital on May 10th 2010. The Royal Derby Hospital laboratory provides Histopathology reporting for both Derby Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and the Burton Hospitals NHS Trust.
The meeting will include an optional laboratory tour to see the lab and discuss how PathoSys® has been implemented. Minutes of the user group meeting will be available for attendees in the user group portal. The meeting qualifies for 6 IBMS (Institute of Biomedical Science) points.

Panther CLV added to AES Oil Sampling & Analysis Service

The British Army’s Panther Command and Liaison Vehicle (CLV) has been added to the AES Machine Care Plus®, oil sampling and analysis service. Panther, a light-armoured 4 x 4 wheeled vehicle, entered service in June 2008. The fleet of approximately 400 vehicles is deployed world-wide.

AES Support Warthog User Trials

The AES Machine Care Plus® fluid sampling and analysis service is supporting Warthog User Trials currently being conducted at the British Army’s Armoured Trials and Development Unit (ATDU) in Dorset.

Warthog is an armoured, amphibious, all-terrain tracked vehicle with a Caterpillar C7 engine generating 350bhp at 2,400rpm and an Allison MD 3500 fully automatic transmission. It is also fitted with front and rear axles, an integrated transfer box and track system final drive units.

The British Army has procured more than 100 Warthog vehicles under Urgent Operation Requirement procedures.

Interfacing: Winpath Interface Developed

AES Medical are pleased to announce that the development of the interface between the pathology reporting system, PathoSys® and the CliniSys Winpath system is now complete. This will enable AES Medical to provide Winpath users with Cancer Dataset Reporting and Information Management that meets the standards set by the Royal College of Pathologists and NHS Cancer Standards.
Compatible from the latest version of Winpath 5 onwards the interface will be Beta tested at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Gateshead which purchased PathoSys® as part of the NEwPath (North East wide Pathology) network.

Following implementation at Gateshead the interface will be rolled out to the Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust which recently procured PathoSys®.

Endometrial Dataset

PathoSys® has been updated to provide the latest Royal College of Pathologists Endometrial Cancer dataset. The dataset was released for consultation in November and is due for release in 2010.
AES Medical users keen to take the latest version have requested to be updated prior to this to take advantage of the latest guidelines as soon as possible.

To this end, AES medical has implemented the draft, alongside feature requests from our users and will reflect any final changes upon publication in a future minor update.

Endometrial Dataset Published

PathoSys® has been updated to provide the latest Royal College of Pathologists Endometrial Cancer dataset.

Published on the 26th of January PathoSys® was instantly compliant thanks to the work already done by AES Medical based on the draft dataset.

BAE award 1 year contract extension

BAE Systems, Global Combat Systems (Vehicles) [BAES GCS(V)] award AES a 1 year contract extension for the provision of fluid sampling and analysis services in support of the TERRIER® Armoured Engineer Vehicle, prototype and demonstrator vehicles.

Royal Cornwall Hospitals Chooses PathoSys®

The Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust has chosen the pathology reporting system PathoSys®,to provide structured Cellular Pathology Dataset Reporting. PathoSys® will be interfaced to the CliniSys Winpath Laboratory System.

Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust

The Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust is the principal provider of acute care services in the county of Cornwall. It serves a population of around 450,000 people, a figure often doubled by holidaymakers during the busiest times of the year.

PathoSys® & Windows 7

As part of its ongoing program of continuous development, improvement and future proofing, AES Medical has tested the pathology reporting software PathoSys® with Microsoft Windows 7. Recently released Windows 7 is the latest version of Windows for the desktop PC.

PathoSys® is now compatible with the following Microsoft operating systems:

  • Windows 7
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows XP
  • Windows 2000
  • Windows NT 4
  • Windows Server 2008
  • Windows Server 2003
  • Windows Server 2000