Integrated Haematological Malignancy Reporting

Key benefits
- Provides virtual integration of networked laboratories – support multiple sites with their own integration, access and role permissions and the ability to refer work between sites.
- Secure thin client systems accessible at remote sites with no client installation.
- Haematological malignancy integrated reporting – flexible reporting combining tests from multiple sources to produce a single comprehensive report.
- Optional standardised Histology lymphoma reporting provides patient linkage.
- Laboratory system integration – removes the need for double entry of demographic and report data whilst providing report distribution.
- Clinical Pathway algorithms for clinical management/test requesting.
- Unique identification of cases and standardised requesting.
- Sample tracking with turnaround monitoring using flexible worklists and traffic light indicators.
- Easy to use rapid real time search and audit.
- Meets and exceeds IM & T security guidelines and standards with comprehensive audit trails and system management.
- COSD V7.0 and COSD V8.0